Celiac disease
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Rojas Vargas C. Celiac disease: an autoimmune disease. Rev.méd.sinerg. [Internet]. 2021Apr.1 [cited 2024Sep.19];6(4):e666. Available from: https://www.revistamedicasinergia.com/index.php/rms/article/view/666


Celiac disease is a autoimmune disease, of an inflammatory nature, that mainly affects the mucosa of the small intestine due to continuous exposure to gluten or related proteins in the diet, in people with certain genetic susceptibilities. Gluten contains prolamines that are resistant to gastric and pancreatic proteases, producing partially hydrolyzed polypeptides, which pass from the stomach to the intestine, increasing their antigenicity, and inducing an immune response. Its diagnosis is made in combination of the patient's medical history, the results of laboratory tests and the histopathological alterations compatible with the disease.



celiac disease. gluten. serology. genetic. diarrhea.
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